Formation Mechanism. Particles colliding in space tend to fragment, not merge.134 Second, even if they always stuck together, they would grow very slowly—on the order of 3-billion years for gas to form particles only 10-5 cm in diameter.135 Third, dust particles that formed this way would be more uniform in size than those in comets. Fourth, colliding ice particles would vaporize the weakly bound ice molecules, destroying, not forming, comets.
Ice on Moon and Mercury. Same as item 14 on page 322.
Crystalline Dust. Same as item 32 on page 323.
Random Perihelion Directions,
Orbit Directions and Inclinations. Particles in meteor streams were supposedly formed by the same unknown process as particles that now compose planets. If so, meteoroids and comets would have prograde orbits near the ecliptic. However, 53% of the observed long-period comets are in retrograde orbits, and almost all are far from the ecliptic.
Small Perihelions. Passing stars might perturb long-period comets, but comet perihelions would be scattered—not clustered, as they are, in the 1–3 AU range.
Jupiter’s Family. Same as item 54 on page 325.
Composition. Same as item 40 on page 324.
Heavy Hydrogen. Comets have 20 times more heavy hydrogen than this theory would predict.
Small Comets. See item 17 on page 322.
Missing Meteorites. See item 18 on page 322.
Recent Meteor Streams. See item 9 on page 320.
Other/Scattering. Solar wind, the Poynting-Robertson effect, perturbations by planets, and tidal effects disperse particles in a meteor stream, preventing them from merging to become a comet.
As the water in a short-period comet evaporates into the vacuum of space, its dust particles remain in orbits similar to the comet’s orbit. Thus, comets produce meteor streams, not the reverse.