Formation Mechanism. In space, small particles colliding at high speeds rarely stick together. Because these particles have tiny spheres of influence, they should hardly ever capture each other to form larger particles—let alone comets—even over billions of years. Besides, collisions, which would occur only rarely, would be more likely to scatter any grouping of particles held together by their weak mutual gravity than to form larger particles. No experimental evidence has shown how particles could merge or condense in the vacuum of space, or how they would produce such a wide range of sizes.
Even if billions of dust particles somehow stuck together to form pebbles, each pebble would be a long way from being the size of a comet. As the pebbles fell toward the Sun, their spheres of influence would shrink, not grow. Nor would gases surround each pebble to assist in capture. Therefore, they would not merge into larger clusters to form comets.
Ice on Moon and Mercury. Same as item 14 on page 322.
Crystalline Dust. Same as item 32 on page 323.
Random Perihelion Directions,
Orbit Directions and Inclinations. If comets formed on a converging axis between the Sun and a colliding dust or gas cloud, as this theory proposes (page 315), perihelions and orbital planes should lie in specific directions; they do not.
Small Perihelions. If long-period comets formed along a converging axis that extended perhaps 50,000 AU from the Sun, many should fall directly into the Sun from a specific direction. This is not observed.
Jupiter’s Family. Same as item 39 on page 324.
Composition. Same as item 40 on page 324.
Heavy Hydrogen. Same as item 68 on page 326.
Small Comets. See item 17 on page 322.
Missing Meteorites. See item 18 on page 322.
Recent Meteor Streams. See item 9 on page 320.